Company details
1. Provider identification
Freudenberg Industrie Siebdruck GmbH
Am Feld 4 . 01257 Dresden
Phone: +49 351/270 12 0
Fax: +49 351/270 12 50
Managers: Horst Freudenberg and Antje Freudenberg
Court of jurisdiction: Dresden, HRB 13032
VAT ID no.: DE179022475
2. Information on liability
Providers are responsible, in accordance with the generally applicable laws, for their own content that they make available. A distinction shall be drawn between this content and cross references to content hosted by other providers. The content of external websites accessible via hyperlinks is for information purposes only. Responsibility for this external content shall lie solely with the content provider.
The websites of external providers were checked with the utmost attention and to the best of our knowledge and belief before the links were established. However, we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of any information accessible via hyperlinks. The content of external websites may be changed at any time without the knowledge of Freudenberg Industrie GmbH. Freudenberg Industrie GmbH requests that it be informed if this website links to any external content whose content may be deemed objectionable.
Freudenberg Industrie GmbH reserves the right to change, remove or add information without prior notice.
3. Copyright and trademark rights
The content of Freudenberg Industrie’s websites is copyright-protected. The commercial duplication, distribution, public dissemination and processing of the websites on this server as well as the commercial use of our databases are strictly forbidden without the prior consent of Freudenberg Industrie GmbH and outside of the legally permissible acts of utilisation. Unless otherwise specified in individual cases and provided that the rights of third parties are unaffected, the duplication, distribution, public dissemination and processing of this website or individual elements in electronic or printed form are forbidden.
All trademarks and brands mentioned on this website and protected by third parties are unconditionally subject – even without this being explicitly specified – to the terms of the respective and valid labelling laws and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. It shall not be assumed that just because a brand name is mentioned, it is not legally protected by a third party. If trade/brand markings on products were omitted, this was done without the intention of omitting the marking.
4. Note for advertisers
Freudenberg Industrie GmbH hereby expressly rejects any use of the addresses, fax/telephone numbers and, in particular, the e-mail addresses provided on this website for the purposes of direct marketing, whether for own use or use by third parties.
5. Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files that are stored on your computer and enable your use of our website to be analysed. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is generally transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the USA. If IP anonymisation is activated on this website, however, your IP address is abbreviated in advance by Google in member states of the European Union or in other contracting parties to the Agreement in the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address sent to and abbreviated on a Google server in the USA.
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Consultation and design
cross media store GmbH
Messering 8c
01067 Dresden
phone: 0351-501 930 10
fax: 0351-647 571 6